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How It Works

Innovating what used to be a tedious selection process and solving various pain points. We redesigned how scholarships operate & reimagined the ways to make an impact.

A simple 4-step process... 


An online portal where students upload:

  • Basic info (Name, School, etc)

  • Evidence of financial need

  • The name of the current Community Leader one would like to be nominated by (We call them “DCRs”, Designated Community Representatives)


A short video that:

  • Is simple & quick for students to create

  • Effectively communicates a student’s message, unlike lengthy essays  

  • Highlights the impact a student has made so far and the impact they WILL make on the Jewish community thanks to The Tisila Scholarship

  • Allows Tisila to review applications in a more efficient way 


To help support a student’s application:

  • A student will ask a current Community Leader to nominate them (Campus Rabbi, Advisor, Employer, a Jewish organization’s staff member, etc) 

  • A Designated Community Representative (DCR) will then submit their own short video to nominate the respective student

  • DCRs will attest to a student’s leadership/ impact so far in college, as well as the leadership potential & impact they will make


A Selection Committee will:

  • Review all applications and nominations

  • Choose recipients based on financial need, leadership potential, and the impact they will make on the Jewish community  

  • Place recipients into either Tier-1 or Tier-2 based on their level of financial need and leadership/impact potential (*Pending current available funding) 

    • This will increase the number of students being helped by maximizing the value of all available funding in a given year

    • For example: If we have $60K available to distribute. Instead of giving $5K to 12 students each, we would give $5K to 10 students each and $2K to 5 students each (Reaching more students & increasing our impact!)

    • Our multi-tier system is yet another way Tisila has improved the scholarship process 


Once selected: 

  • Financial relief will be given to recipients in a one-time disbursement   

  • Recipients will receive leadership roles tailored to their specific interests and gain access to valuable resources with the help of our Partner Organizations. This will strengthen their own Jewish identity and help them acquire critical skills for their future careers 

  • Recipients will also help lead The Tisila Scholarship for the following cycle, which will continue to improve Tisila for years to come

  • Engagement within the Jewish community will increase thanks to the help of the best & brightest future leaders   


Make An Impact Today!

Help us bring The Tisila Scholarship to Jewish students and communities in need. Your gracious contribution will ensure future leaders will grow and strengthen the Jewish community for generations to come.

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