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Tisila Scholarship

The innovative solution that cultivates the next generation of leaders and stimulates growth in the Jewish communtiy by eliminating financial barriers.

Created by students, led by students

The rise of antisemitism on college campuses forces many students to struggle with their Jewish identity. Students who have financial need are faced with even more challenges that hinder their involvement in the Jewish community. 


While many hope to receive private aid, most scholarships use lengthy essays and have a tedious selection process. This makes it time-consuming for students to apply and difficult for selection committees to accurately review. As a result, many students simply do not apply at all, which contributes in-part to over $100 Million in private financial aid going unclaimed each year. 


The Tisila Scholarship was created by students, led by students and solves these pain points by factoring in three different perspectives: Students,

Jewish community, & generous donors

Using student insight- we made the application process as simple and seamless as possible by utilizing a video submission, not an essay. This allows students to effectively communicate their message and Tisila to efficiently review applications & make the best decisions possible. Recipients receive financial aid, custom leadership development, and access to free academic/career resources!


From the Jewish community perspective- students are given leadership roles that are tailored to their specific interests and are executed with the help of our Partner Organizations. Recipients also help lead The Tisila Scholarship for the following cycle. This directly increases Jewish engagement on college campuses, while surrounding students with a thriving Jewish community and cultivating strong future leaders! 


Last but not least, our generous donors can be certain that a meaningful impact is made, in multiple ways, that go beyond simply handing students a check. When a contribution is made, the dollars are truly maximized to their fullest potential!

The Tisila Scholarship

Unmatched flexibility and reach...

By approaching from our unique position and partnering with various Jewish organizations, Tisila drives valuable resources to struggling students who might otherwise not have access. Launching at universities around the country, The Tisila Scholarship adapts to meet the specific needs of local Jewish communities. 

With all local chapters being connected on the national level, The Tisila Scholarship minimizes expenses and maximizes the amount of impact being made exponentially!


Each Tisila Scholarship has the guidance of individual advisory boards made up of local community members, support from local & national partners, and assistance from the Tisila Foundation's national advisory board to ensure a thriving result!

Mitch Moser

 Executive Director, Milwaukee Jewish Community Foundation 

"I've watched Tisila grow from its initial daring concept, through an amazing visioning process, into its current incredible reality. The program fulfills an important need for college scholarships while creating Jewish leadership development opportunities. It will make a huge impact on the Jewish community."

Make An Impact Today!

Help us bring The Tisila Scholarship to Jewish students and communities in need. Your gracious contribution will ensure future leaders will grow and strengthen the Jewish community for generations to come.

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